The One Month Healthy Habits Challenge: Are You In?

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We put together a four-week healthy habits challenge composed of daily, bite-sized steps to help you transform your workflow and bring productivity to your day. If you’re trying to reach your goals and organize your life with renewed habits, this is the challenge for you. Don’t forget to share your progress with the tag #HealthyHabitsChallenge so we can cheer you on!

Week 1: Start fresh with a deep clean of old habits

The first week of our challenge is identifying areas for improvement and trashing old habits that aren’t serving you anymore. Sometimes we get so caught up in the day-to-day routine that we lose productive habits and replace them with busywork. Improving your habits can only be accomplished once you have identified your weaknesses — so let’s forget about burnout and find strategies for a more productive workday. It’s important not to get flustered by one giant goal and instead break your goals into smaller, more manageable pieces. Next, keep yourself accountable by building a list using Todoist, Evernote, or Notion and keep track of the progress you’ve made. Finally, recognize your limits and layout priorities so you can efficiently manage your time.





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Week 2: Nail down your morning routine

A good morning routine is an excellent indicator of a productive day, and you can transform your morning habits in a few simple steps.

  • Drink water! It sounds simple, but having a glass of water first thing in the morning will kickstart your brain and set you up for a productive workday.
  • Give yourself time to wake up in the morning. If you wake up a little earlier, you can spend some time on yourself instead of diving headfirst into work. This way, you will have time to fuel your body with a healthy breakfast and allow your brain to wake up.
  • Stay organized and visualize your day. If you make a list of your to-do’s before you begin working, you can visualize your priorities and start the day on a clear path.
  • Do something for yourself. Whether that be taking 5 minutes in the morning to meditate, read a book or get some fresh air — it’s important to set aside time for yourself to clear your mind.





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Week 3: Make a schedule and stick to it

This week is all about prioritization and balancing your time, energy, and workload. Honor your calendar and set limits for yourself to avoid burnout. You can set aside time for deep work by integrating blocks into your schedule for impactful work. Remember to schedule breaks into your calendar to stay energized throughout the day.

Next, let’s talk about email. Email is a huge distraction to your workday, and sometimes it impacts your ability to stick to a schedule and prioritize deep work. When you hear that little ding and see your email notifications booming, it’s impossible to resist checking your inbox. Here are a couple of tips to help you avoid email overload:

  • Mute notifications. Email and app notifications are some of the biggest distractors to your day and can throw off your workflow. Unsubscribe from recurring newsletters, leave your phone in another room, or mute notifications in Shift.
  • Check your inbox periodically. Set aside time in your schedule to check your inbox and respond to incoming emails. Integrating with Sanebox or will help you organize your email flow and cut down distractions.





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Week 4: Set yourself up for success

This week is all about creating a contingency plan for your renewed habits and setting yourself up for a successful workweek. If you have been struggling to build up productive habits, take a more in-depth look at the barriers holding you back from doing so. Set yourself up for success by taking small steps towards your goal that will benefit your future self. For example, if your goal is to exercise more, lay out your workout clothes the night before. Taking a small step towards your goal will help you hold yourself accountable and take initiative.

Look at the progress you have made! Breaking bad habits and forming new ones can be challenging, so give yourself recognition for the miles you have taken towards your goal.





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Download the PDF

Download the #HealthyHabits PDF for a four-week, easy-to-follow guide.

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Find your focus with Shift

Implement all of your healthy habits using Shift. Aggregate your email accounts, calendars, most used apps, and anything else you need to help you succeed. You can mute your notifications in Shift and dedicate chunks of time to deep work. Not to mention, building a customized workspace will help you organize your projects and reach your goals. We recommend you set up reminders in a calendar to reevaluate your habits and download our healthy habits package to help you stay on track. Aggregating your accounts within Shift will undoubtedly help you merge your personal and professional goals so that you can thrive in every aspect of your life.

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