How to Make the Switch to G Suite

Aahhh, 2019…finally.

For many businesses, this will be the year of real-deal productivity and priority. The start of this new season of business growth will have everything to do with equipping our workplaces and teams with the best tools and technologies for getting (and keeping) the ball rolling. 

For many brands, this translates to making some much-needed moves away from outdated, unfulfilling tools and into more viable alternatives. And from what we’ve seen and heard so far, corporations and small businesses are increasingly making the switch to G Suite – and it’s paying off.  

Still, some brands have yet to make the move to G Suite. So, if you’re reading this, we assume your organization is among those that haven’t.

But, no pressure!

Whether you’re skeptical about the benefits this powerful SaaS solution has to offer or aren’t sure how to get buy-in from leadership on making the switch to G Suite, this article is for you.

What is G Suite?

Great question.

G Suite is a collection of paid business-grade services offered in addition to Google’s suite of free applications.  

Although several apps offered within G Suite are included in the free version such as Calendar, Docs, and Sheets – G Suite also provides a full admin console and beautiful additions like Data Migration, Slides, and Cloud Search.

And it doesn’t stop there.

There are many awesome productivity features in G Suite that are sure to appeal to teams and higher-ups across all industries and niches – things like Groups (with user roles and permissions), device management, and monthly usage reports, to name a few.

In sum, G Suite makes a lot of sense for organizations that are looking to get their workforces operating at the intersection of priority and productivity.

Gaining Buy-In from Management and Teams

Teams using G Suite.

There’s a saying that goes, “There’s nothing to it but to do it.”

It’s a great axiom, but, unfortunately, it doesn’t apply here.

Depending on your role in your company, the decision to just ‘do it’ (read: ‘make the switch to G Suite’) will require the consent of upper management, and in some cases the approval of members on the cross-functional teams within your organization.

That said, you’ll need to solicit approval in the most effective way.  

To help you gain buy-in from those who matter most in your organization, we’ve compiled a few perspectives that will:

  • Showcase the benefits of G Suite
  • Specify where and how it can help propel your brand into full productivity
  • Point out key motivations that should help yield yeses from senior leadership

You’re welcome 🙂

Dear leadership: G Suite, please!

Below are a few talking points for getting leadership to buy in on G Suite:

Enterprise Email: Customize as many business emails as necessary, all of which will bear the name of your organization’s domain. Yep, no more ‘’

Edition Options: Leave it Google to know that one size does not fit all. One of the best things about this service is that G Suite pricing is designed to match exactly what your organization needs – not what it should need.

Cloud-based: G Suite is a cloud-native service, meaning in the cloud is where it exists first, foremost, and forever. There’s no bulky software to download or store.

14-Day Free Trial: If leadership is still on the fence after hearing the other benefits, this should offer some real reassurance. In this case, there’s no initial commitment; this two-week trial period will give everyone the chance to interact with G Suite and determine if it fits the needs of the organization as a whole.  

Dear teams: Wouldn’t our workflow be 1000x better with G Suite?!

Here are a few talking points for getting the members of your organization’s cross-functional teams to buy in to G Suite:

Team Collaboration: G Suite puts all of the tools, apps and files you and your team use in one central place – keeping collaboration, content, and communication flowing at all times.

Central Point of Access: Gmail and G Suite all in one space – sans multiple logins, multiple tabs, multiple apps, etc.

Apps Galore: The G Suite Marketplace is chock-full of all the productivity apps your teams will need to sync departments, projects, and functions in a way that works best for everyone.

Why G Suite Would Pay Off for Your Organization

G Suite in Shift.

The enterprise appeal of G Suite is second to few, in our opinion.

For one, it extends upon the already-convenient set-up of Drive and Google’s other free services. This is ideal considering how learning your way around an entirely new UI could be time-consuming and counterproductive.

Next, there’s the marriage of collaborative tools and administrative capabilities – and this is a real win-win in the world of workflow and productivity. If you know anything about simultaneously managing people and projects, you’ll know there’s a lot to appreciate here.

Third, being able to choose which edition best suits your organization puts you in control of how you use G Suite and all its offerings. This guarantees that your company is only paying for what it needs and what it uses.

Finally, it offers the ideal set-up of being able to access everything you need all in one place – to us, this is one of the best features of G Suite, and you’ll probably agree once your organization starts using the service.

If you use Shift, you already familiar with the convenience of having all your most important and most-used tools and apps in one central space. It’s the same concept with G Suite, the only difference being that Shift is the workspace that pulls everything together, including apps and extensions.

In short, G Suite is a worthwhile investment that’s sure to bring your organization increased productivity and peace for years to come.

In the meantime, revisit the talking points we listed above and, when you’re ready, use them to pitch G Suite to your organization’s senior leadership.

Best of luck!

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