Why it’s absolutely vital you share testimonials and reviews on your website | Reviews, Testimonials, Website and more | hellomedia Hello Media Blog Posts blog | Telegram-Install.com

Testimonials and reviews help establish credibility, and they work because they aren’t all sales-pitchy, they come across in an unbiased voice and they establish TRUST. You’re using REAL people to show REAL success in your product or service offering.

Check out these five stats which confirms they’re a must-have on your website!

  • Displaying reviews can increase conversion rates by 270% (Spiegel Research Center)
  • Displaying reviews for higher-priced products can increase conversion rates by 380% (Spiegel Research Center)
  • Purchase likelihood improves 15% when buyers read verified buyer reviews over anonymous reviews (Spiegel Research Center)
  • 97% of shoppers say reviews influence buying decisions (Fan and Fuel)
  • 92% of consumers trust peer recommendations. (Search Engine Watch)

I’ve had a tricky situation lately whereby a client we’re building a website for can only post her reviews and testimonials ANONYMOUSLY … tricky, right?! Her content is highly sensitive and personal, and possibly those reviews are more important than ever to establish and prove confidentiality and TRUST with her clients and future clients. How would you display reviews anonymously? Be part of the conversation here. 

Here are some fascinating stats on reviews and testimonials:

50+ Statistics proving the power of customer reviews


Reviews | Testimonials | Website

Ten articles before and after

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5 reasons why you shouldn’t delete your OLD Instagram posts & 5 ways to change your feed to reflect your new style | hashtags, Instagram, Social Media and more | hellomedia Hello Media Blog Posts blog | Telegram-Install.com

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