The Latest and Greatest Shift: V1.1 Is Here!

C-e-l-e-b-r-a-t-e good Shift! We are thrilled to announce the release of Shift V1.1, available for download here. If you’re already a Shift user, you will receive an automatic update next time you log in; simply click the update button to install and begin maxing out those productivity meters.

We launched Shift with a mission to alleviate the pain of juggling multiple email accounts. Since launch, we have received an abundance of feedback, questions, and feature ideas. Needless to say, we’ve been hard at work, making Shift happen. Today, we’re excited to tell you all about the latest…

Office 365 Integration

We’ve come full circle, literally. We are excited to announce that Shift now seamlessly integrates with Office 365! Connect your Office 365 account with Shift and become the ultimate productivity master, or as we like to say, #ShiftBoss.  All Mail, Calendar events, and OneDrive files will be synced across your accounts.

Multi-Language Spell Check

Shift now offers spell check in 42+ languages! To customize your language options, head into Settings > General (scroll down) > select the drop-down menu. Click ‘Get more Dictionaries’ to choose your preferred language.

Get More Shift Done, with Teams!

Who doesn’t have #SquadGoals, really? We’re pleased to introduce Shift for Teams, the ultimate way to #GetShiftDone, together! Enjoy all the benefits of Pro across your entire organization, team, family, or friend group. Our Shift for Teams customers enjoy all of the great features of Pro. Plus consolidated team billing, personalized support (aka special treatment), and team discounts! Tell us about your squad here to get started today.

Reset Your Data

This one is pretty nifty. Shift now features an automatic reset button that clears your application data. Resetting application data allows you to change your Primary Email Account. You’ll find this feature in Settings > General (scroll to the bottom) > Select “Reset Application Data”. Re-select your preferred Primary Email Account and re-add other accounts if you want to switch things up.

Caution: Debugging in Process

At only a few months old, Shift is still in its infancy – but just like a fine wine – it will only get better with age. Our developers are working tirelessly to ensure Shift is performing at its very best.  A few recent improvements include:

  • Resolving incorrect unread email counts
  • Fixing issues related to sharing documents
  • Improving general performance and functionality
  • Enhanced synchronization

Finally, we want to give a huge shoutout to all our Shift fans, far and wide, for all of your support, and feedback along the way! We love hearing from you! please don’t hesitate to reach out on Facebook, Twitter, or email us directly.

Cheers to V1.1, and all of the great updates to come!

Ten articles before and after

4 Quick Tips For Mastering Google Calendar

Custom Keyboard Shortcuts Are Here!

The 5 Pillars of Proper Emoji Etiquette

The Biggest Problem With Gmail (And How To Solve It!)

Need a hand? Our Support Team is here to help!

How (Not) To Write An Email Greeting

Shift Privacy: How Does OAuth Work?

Share Shift with Friends, and Get Rewarded!

Why I Switched to Shift (after 6 years of Apple Mail)

Shift Was Built for You. Yes, You!