10 Apps That Make Life Easier and More Productive

Productivity apps are diverse in both design and use, but since there are so many to choose from, it can be overwhelming.

Which ones are more hype than help? And is it worth your time to research each and every one before jumping in?

If you’re like me, you’re all about being all about business. This means that few things are as enticing as the prospect of being more productive than you were the day (or hour) before. As my team knows, I’m an early morning guy (really, really early) and I like to squeeze every minute out of those quiet hours.  

Nothing makes me happier than finding an app that helps me do just that, but I have my limits when it comes to spending a bunch of time testing out different options. 

To save you some time, I’ve put together my quick go-to list of 10 apps that are sure to help.

This line-up is sure to increase your productivity levels, and help de-clutter your digital workspace.

Not to mention, every one of these worth-your-time apps is accessible inside your Shift Advanced account.

The Shift window open the the Apps page with many of the Apps Shift offers showcased.

App #1: Slack

The name does no justice to the awesomeness of this app, and it’s no secret. 

In case you’ve been living under a rock, Slack is a hub for team productivity, offering a way for teams to collaborate at the speed of thought.  

Slack helps our team eliminate a lot of what would otherwise be lost time, and the unnecessary formality of emails (ironic, I know). 

The energy created within custom channels makes group productivity possible, and that much more attractive.

It’s also great for conveying excitement around Beer Friday, in giphy format.

App #2: Trello

Every up-and-coming productivity ninja has at least considered using Trello at some point.

As it stands, Trello is pretty much unmatched in providing a platform for teams to flesh out plans and details for every and any type of project.

Using Trello ensures you’re able to kiss the days of “Do you have an update on X?” and “Hey, have you heard from X about Y?” goodbye.

App #3: Asana

Asana is a definite YES for project management, and our marketing and design teams are addicted. 

If you’re an advocate of mapping out the details that will help you or your team get from start to finish, this one’s for you.

The marriage of clarity and simplicity comes together beautifully with Asana. Moreover, depending on how your team works, your project to-do list can be set up as either a list with sections or in a board format with columns.

A team working together at a table on a project.

App #4: Evernote

If you know the first thing about being productive, you know that it’s best achieved when everything (and everyone) is in sync.

Well, Evernote is one of those tools that unabashedly leverages the power of synchronization.

If objectives like organize, motivate, and mobilize are at the top of your list, then Evernote will be the best fit.

App #5: Dropbox

Okay, so you’re getting all kinds of sh*t done, and pushing out drafts, updates, sketches, and final copies….but where are you storing everything?

On your desktop? Hopefully not.

We love Google Docs, and Drive, but we also use Dropbox for sharing files with external parties.

Dropbox is a great way to keep all your files organized and in a central (digital) location that’s accessible to all team members, and any other people you choose.

App #6: Jira

 Jira, how can I put this?

Here at Shift, Jira is the glue that holds our product development team together. It’s our go-to for all major technical projects, and we truly could not imagine life without it.

All the best features for staying on track—such as notifications, work transitions,  planning, and reporting—are built in.

App #7:  Google Hangouts

Google Hangouts is a lifesaver for the days when holding an entire conversation via phone or email just isn’t practical.

Whether it’s a few one-liners to keep the creative juices flowing, or a midday meeting to discuss progress, you can’t go wrong with this well-oiled communication option.  

The app offers instant messaging, video chat, and SMS features, so keeping in touch with the team is guaranteed.

App #8: WhatsApp

We aren’t afraid to admit that WhatsApp has made instant messaging much more worth the while of those of us who are super productive.

If you’re not already familiar with the app, WhatsApp is one of the best global messaging tools. It lets you connect with anyone, on any device, for free. When we are traveling, WhatsApp keeps us in constant communication with teammates, and clients. It’s also very secure, fast, and simple to use. 

App #9: Facebook Messenger

Am I the only one whose close friends and family members have stopped keeping track of personal email, and resorted to Facebook messaging?  

In any case, the unpredictable nature of those messages become a little less surprising when you have the Facebook Messenger app employed on your Shift account…or elsewhere.  

App #10: MailChimp

Using the MailChimp app is a great way to save a lot of time whenever you are ready to put your email marketing chops to use and get your message in front of a targeted audience.

…all without taking you away from other business you have going on. It’s really simple and easy to set up with all of their template options. 

Final Note

Each app works in its own unique way, so knowing how to bring them together and make them work for you will be key.

I suggest you start by adding a few of your favorites to Shift, then add more to your Shift arsenal as needed.

For the most part, this list should offer a good variety of options for helping you reach a level where you can take comfort in your productivity.  

As for us, we’ll keep innovating the ways the Shift app delivers on accessibility for your favorite productivity tools.  

PS – we’re constantly adding more app, and extension support, to the list so if none of these tickle your fancy, check out all of your options here.

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